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Why us?
Every single assignment is unique. That’s why we approach each one with an open and curious mind.
We always aim to start each assignment with a face-to-face meeting.
At L.S.S our aim is to spend time getting to know the culture of the company and the personalities involved. Only when we have developed a deep understanding, will we tailor an approach to fit the precise needs of the assignment.
Unlike many recruitment agencies, we prefer to work collaboratively with our clients. That means discussing the strategy, sharing our potential targets at an early stage and reporting regularly throughout. Most importantly, it means genuinely listening to our client’s insight and using it to enhance our approach where appropriate.
At L.S.S we are confident that our unique approach will appeal to both candidates and clients.
As a Candidate, our consultants will consistently deliver opportunities that are best suited to your Job/Trade sector and skill set, whilst always encouraging you to the best of your abilities. We believe communication is a vital aspect of the recruitment process, so you can be assured we are giving you a dedicated and personal service. We will support you from the initial stages of interviews through to you settling in a new role and ensuring you and our Client are completely satisfied.
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